Following Jesus Under Colonizer Rule and Creator's Good Road

We have been on a trajectory, grasping what it means to be a people connected to land, history, and people in a decolonized way. We have journeyed through Advent noticing the incarnation as particularity - Christ made flesh in the person of Jesus comes to a particular time, place, people, and story, as the way of love. Into the new year, we continue our tradition these last few years of walking through one of the Gospels as we grow in our identity as followers of Jesus. This year, we focus on the gospel of Luke, paying attention to what it means to follow Jesus, under colonizer rule, on the Good Road. To open our imaginations to new ways forward together, pressing into the Kin(g)dom through the particulars of our faith and what it means to be disciples, we will be utilizing the First Nations Version of the New Testament. Through the second part of this series, we continue on the Good Road  to the cross and ultimately to the resurrection, at Easter.  

Week by Week:

Following Jesus Under Colonizer Rule

January 2 - Brunch Gathering - CANCELED, NO GATHERING

January 9 -  Luke 2.21-52: Intro/Following Jesus Under Colonizer Rule

January 16 - Luke 3.21; 4.1-13: Creator Sets Free Comes Forward & Vision Quest

January 23 - Luke 4.14-30: His Own Village Rejects Him

January 30 - Luke 5.12-16, 27-32: “I do Choose” & Eating with Outcasts

February 6 - Luke 6.27-36: The Way to Treat Your Enemies

February 13 - Luke 8:1-3,19-21: Women of Honor & All My Relatives

February 20 - Luke 10.38-42: Choosing the Best Part

February 27 - Luke 11.1-11: Wisdom about Praying

Lent: Creator’s Good Road

Ash Wednesday - March 2nd

March 6th - Luke 12.49-59: My Message Will Bring Division

March 13th -  Luke 14.25-35: Counting the Cost

March 20th - Luke 16.1-15: Possessions and the Good Road

March 27th - Luke 17.1-6: Trouble Will Come

April 3rd - Luke 23.1-6 (8-25): Questioned by the People of Iron

April 10th/Palm Sunday - Luke 19.28-40: Grand Entry

April 15th Good Friday

April 17th/Easter Sunday -  Luke 24.1-12: Death Defeated 

Discussion Prompts:

-As you read the book of Luke and hear the text anew, what is capturing your attention? 

-Wonder together. What is the Spirit revealing to you about identifying as a follower of the brown, colonized Jesus?

-What are you learning on the Good Road and how it stands in contrast to colonizer culture? Where might you need to grow in trust and humility? 

-In what ways do you sense Jesus extending the invitation to you to walk the Good Road?

-What patterns do you notice emerging in your faith journey? What do you need from Creator right now?

-As Jesus shares about the Good Road, what ways of thinking need to be put to death (where do we need to repent, and turn) and where do you need to allow room for the resurrection?

-Discuss Trinity’s practices. Where do you sense Creator inviting you to lean in? Pick one practice to cultivate more deeply.

-As you read the text, imagine being with Jesus. Take your time in Lent to linger in the story. What do you experience? What do you feel in your body? 


First Nations Version: An Indigenous Translation of the New Testament

Subversive Witness: Scripture’s Call to Leverage Privilege by Dominque Gilliard (also being used for Trinity Seasonal Small Groups)

The Land is Not Empty: Following Jesus in Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery by Sarah Augustine

Trinity’s Guide to Lent

Good Friday Seder

Spotify Playlists:



Seasonal Small Groups:

In conjunction with the sermon series, seasonal small groups around Subversive Witness by Dominique Dubois Gilliard are forming!

If you’re interested in joining, pick up (or download) the book and begin reading/listening. Send an email to if you'd like to participate in one of these groups and we'll connect you to the appropriate group leader. 

  • Fishers/Zoom group is starting on January 25th over the lunch hour (12-1pm) on Tuesdays for six weeks.

  • Midtown/Downtown parish will meet Wednesday nights in person at 7pm starting February 2nd.

  • Broad Ripple group will meet Friday nights in person at 7pm starting January 28th. 

(image credit Hasan Almasi)